Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/75

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9* S. IX. JAN. 23, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Crpnstadt inspected her in 1850, and expressed sur- prise at her age and build, remarking that he had commanded a ship of 100 guns, but never a ship 100 years old."

It raay lead to further information on an interesting subject. CHARLES HIATT.

[For other old ships see ' Whittington and his Cat,' 9 th S. viii. 485.]

HOUR OF SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE IN 1688. This would seem to have been not later than 9 o'clock. The writer of * A Com- plete History of the Late Revolution,' Lon- don, 1691, an eighty-page pamphlet, examines in curious detail the birth of "James the Third," adducing circumstances in support of the warming-pan story. He says, inter alia. that the lying-in of the queen " was contrived to be at Church-time on the Sunday, between the hours of nine and ten in the morning, that the Business might be over before the Protestant Ladies were come from Church." I presume that the change of hour to 11 o'clock came about gradually.


WE must request correspondents desiring infor- mation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that the answers maybe addressed to them direct.

GREEK TRIMETER IAMBICS. I shall be glad if any of your correspondents can tell me who was the author of an anonymous book published (in the year 1820 or thereabouts) at Oxford under the title 'An Introduction to the Metres of the Greek Tragedians.' I had never heard of it until a few years ago, when I accidentally met with a little pam- phlet containing some " Observations " on this work, in which it is said that some of Porson's well-known metrical canons, as laid down in his preface to the 'Hecuba,' are impugned, and even condemned, as useless and not deserving of attention ; nor should I have been disposed to trouble myself much further about it had not the author of these " Observa- tions" alluded to " the high character of the author of the 'Introduction' and the gene- rally favourable opinion of it that deservedly prevails." As for the " Observations " them- selves, I can only say that they seem to have been rather hastily put together, and are not very easy to follow ; but I should like to know a little more about the author of the 'Introduction' who ventured to attack Por- son in one of many strongholds of Greek criticism. F. N.

[It is attributed to Pr, J, Burton.]

EAST INDIA BADGE. What is the origin of the badge used by the East India Company on some of its copper coinage a circle sur- mounted by the figure 4 reversed standing on the diameter 1 I noticed a similar badge on a tablet in the cloisters of Basle Cathedral some years ago. J. P. LEWIS.

  • LIFE,' BY MRS. BARBAULD. In what col-

lection of poems may I find that short and beautiful poem on ' Life ' by Mrs. Barbauld 1 Who was Mrs. Barbauld 1 The last two lines of this poem run :

Say not " Good night," but in some brighter clime Bid me " Good morning."


[You will presumably find the poem in question in ' Works of A. L. Barbauld,' 1825. We fail to trace it in any collection to which we have access. As to who Mrs. Barbauld was you must consult the ' Diet. Nat. Biog.' Our own General Indexes con- tain several references to her.]

'THE GAMBLER DETECTED.' ! have a small print, about 6^ in. by 4 in., called 'The Gambler Detected.' It represents two men in the dress of the early part of the eigh- teenth century, one of whom has risen from his chair, which he has upset, and is pinning the left hand of the other to the table with a fork ; cards are scattered about, and the other end of the table is laid out for a meal. The print has evidently been a frontispiece or illustration to some book. Can any one tell me what book 1

I venture to add to the many appeals which have been made to MR. JULIAN MAR- SHALL to continue his very interesting biblio- graphy of books on gaming, which ended so abruptly at the thirteenth edition of Hoyle. In January, 1899 (9 th S. iii. 35), he promised some further articles on the subiect.

F. J.

HENRY VIII. This crowned Moloch is spoken of by one of the late Restoration writers, I think Thomas Brown, as "this great king who never spared woman in his lust or man in his anger." Was this writer the first so to class him 1 ? The expression seems above his level. H. T.

SUNFLOWER ORNAMENT ON CRUCIFIX. In a list of second-hand books and other things is a description of a crucifix : " This is appa- rently of Dutch make, and after the Spanish occupation, as is shown by the sunflower ornament behind the figure of Christ." Why is this 1 Did the Dutch specially cultivate sunflowers 1 I suppose it would be the Spaniards who might regard the sunflower as sacred, from the belief that it always