Page:Notes by the Way.djvu/175

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��1897, June 2nd (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. ROSE TBOLLOPE.

" In consideration of the distinguished literary merits of her husband, the late Mr. Anthony Trollope, and of her straitened circumstances. 100Z."

Anthony Trollope, 1815-82 (' D.N.B.,' vol. Ivii. ; 'Auto- biography,' 2 vols., published 1883 ; and ' What I Remember,' by T. A. Trollope, 1887).

1897, December 15th (Marquis of Salisbury). Miss JANET MARY OLIPHANT.

" In consideration of the literary eminence of the late Mrs. Oliphant. 75J."

Margaret Oliphant (nee Wilson) ; born 1828 ; died at Wimble- don, June 25th, 1897. Athenceum, July 3rd, 1897, and ' Chambers's Biographical Dictionary.'

1898, April 29th (Marquis of Salisbury). MR. WILLIAM ERNEST HENLEY.

" In recognition of his literary merits, and of his inadequate means of support. 225Z."

Born August 23rd, 1849 ; editor of the National Observer, 1888-93 ; The New Review, 1893-8 (' Chambers's Dictionary ' and ' Who 's Who,' 1901).

Mr. Henley died July llth, 1903.

'898, June 9th (Marquis of Salisbury). THE REV. CANON DANIEL SILVAN EVANS.

" In recognition of his labours on the ' Welsh Dictionary,' and of his services to Welsh literature generally. 100?."

1899, June 14th (Marquis of Salisbury). Miss ELIZA PATON HILL BURTON.

" In consideration of the services rendered to literature by her late father, Dr. John Hill Burton, especially in connexion with the history of Scotland. 65L"

John Hill Burton, 1809-81. " His beginnings were humble, and most that he wrote cannot now be identified." For a time was editor of The Scotsman, and committed that journal to the support of Free Trade (' D.N.B.,' vol. viii. pp. 10-12).

1899, June 14th (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. MARIA MARGARET KINGSFORD.

" In consideration of the literary services of her late husband, Dr. William Kingsford, the Canadian historian. 100Z."

��Widow of Anthony Trollope.

��Miss Janet

Mary Oliphant.




��Canon Silvan Evans.

��Daughter of

Dr. John Hill


��Widow of Dr. William Kingsford.

�� �