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��Frederic Norgate.

��Edward Lacey.

��Mark Lock, wood.






1 Reference Catalogue.'

��Going into Henrietta Street, we find Messrs. Lovell Reeve publishing their valuable botanical books, and close by Messrs. Williams & Norgate. Both these firms still remain there. One of the founders of the latter firm, Frederic Norgate, died on August 9th, 1908, in his ninetieth year. He was a member of a Norfolk family, studied at Clare College, and took his B.A. degree in 1839. He was a very fine Greek scholar, and with Mr. Williams started the business in 1843. Among the firm's most celebrated authors was Herbert Spencer, in whose ' Life ' are many references to his publishers. Norgate retired from the firm in the sixties, and devoted himself to literary pursuits, making a special study of the bibliography of Caxton's press. For many years he had a small office in King Street, Covent Garden, where I frequently called upon him and had many a delightful chat. Norgate was a much valued contributor to Notes and Queries. His daughter Miss Kate Norgate is well known as the author of 4 England under the Angevin Kings,' a contributor to the ' Dictionary of National Biography,' and the assistant of Mrs. J. R. Green in the production of the elaborate illustrated edition of Green's ' Short History of the English People.'

A facsimile in miniature of the first number of The Bookseller accompanies the Jubilee issue ; it is beautifully printed, and the small type is perfectly clear. It contains complete lists of works recently issued by one hundred and twenty-nine publishers. Among trade changes it announces that " Mr. Edward Lacey, who some years ago retired from his old-established business in St. Paul's Churchyard, has found a life of leisure so irksome that he has returned to London and recommenced business on Ludgate Hill." It is announced from America that trade is recovering from the panic, and that several houses have resumed payment. Sampson Low, jun., who had been deputed by the London trade to represent its interests in New York, had returned, " having accomplished his mission in a most satisfactory manner " ; and his report showed that " none of the consignors would sustain any loss."

First on the obituary list comes Mark Lockwood, senior partner in the Simpkin & Marshall firm. He was a man of great judgment as to the real merits of a book, and his opinion of a new work had considerable weight with other purchasers. He worked early and late, and long after the Row was deserted his solitary lamp might be seen shining upon the trees opposite to the windows of the room now occupied by his grandson, Mr. Crosby Lockwood.

In addition to The Bookseller, Whitaker projected in 1874 the ' Reference Catalogue of Current Literature,' now issued every three or four years in two huge volumes. The index to the 1906 edition extends to over 900 pages, and contains more than 160,000 references

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