Page:Notes of Meetings of the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Worcester March 1857.djvu/7

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tinguish, by a somewhat larger type, the suggestions which seemed to me to meet with the most acceptance. The rest undoubtedly appear to stand on an equality; but I venture to say generally, that I believe the most important subjects filled the foremost place, being either most vigorously enunciated, or repeated by several speakers.

I remain,

Reverend and dear Brethren,

Your faithful Brother and Servant in Christ,


Halesowen, near Birmingham,
2nd April, 1857.

Suggestions as to the best means of sustaining and extending the Missionary Efforts of the Church at Home, and in Foreign Parts.

An Increase of the Episcopate in England and Wales.

A Bishop to be set over every great Town, or Populous District.

Bishops to be very numerous, as in some parts of the Church of Christ in early times, with small spheres, and with inconsiderable incomes.

An increase of the Episcopate, with a proportionate increase of the subordinate Offices in the Church.

An Increase of the Colonial and Missionary Episcopate.

More Medical Missionaries.

More Theological Colleges in the Colonies.

An extensive Subdivision of Parishes.

Such a Subdivision as that no Parish shall have a greater Population than 2,000.