Page:Notes of Meetings of the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Worcester March 1857.djvu/9

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  1. Diocesan Preachers to be maintained, in connection with the Cathedrals, ready for service wherever they may be called.
  2. Special Mission-Services to be held, with the aid of the best-qualified Preachers, for the revival of religion.
  3. Occasional extraordinary Services, as in Durham Cathedral.
  4. An organization of Missionary Agency, by which every Parish in a Diocese may be visited at regular intervals, with the consent of the Incumbent, the object being the effectual awakening of the people; according to the tried plan of the Irish Home Mission, from 1832 to 1839.

More frequent Services.

Services at times chosen with reference to the habits and convenience of the people.

Shorter Services.

Services entirely new.

Services made attractive by the aid of Music.

A Special Service for Children.

Afternoon and Evening Communion.

Plainer and more familiar Preaching. Conversational Preaching.

Open-Air Preaching.

Public Catechising.

Teaching with the help of Pictures, for illustration.

Yearly Confirmations.

Half-yearly, or even Quarterly Confirmations, when the Episcopate is sufficiently increased.

Godliness to be more carefully enquired into, as an essential qualification for Holy Orders.

More Theological Colleges.

The University Course to be shortened, as regards its secular subjects, to those who may declare their intention of offering themselves for Holy Orders, and the time thus gained to be devoted to theological study in the University.

The University Course to be absolutely shortened to candidates for Holy Orders.

Preachers in the Universities to be appointed to preach on the Ministerial Office, and to direct those who have special gifts to the service for which they are best suited, and for which their peculiar talents ought to be cultivated.