Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/216

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Jalapa about the 14th of May last with despatches and letters to the head of the Mexican Government at their capital with power to make peace, and demanded an escort to take him to the city of Mexico, which Gen. Winfield Scott refused, saying that an escort at that time would be utterly impossible to make its way through to the capital, and that his forces at that time was too weak to make an escort. Many of our soldiers laughed at the idea of our Government sueing for peace, and only a handful of our soldiers in their land; but if we can get peace now, fair and square, in God's name let us have it, and if not, war to the knife. So I say, poor, miserable, degraded Mexicans, including priests, clergymen and nuns, which are all very numerous and more than I have ever seen in all the days of my life, the olive branch is now extended fair and honorably to you, and if you all know what is good for yourselves and your country, you will, no doubt, accept it, and if not, more bloody work will have to be done.

This evening I heard the roll of the muffled drum and the mournful music passing our quarters, taking a jewel out of the ranks of some regiment or company to his final resting-place. "Peace to his ashes." I am glad to see our soldiers, who are buried here, have neat coffins and receive a decent burial, which I regret to say was not the case at the Castle of Perote; not a single coffin did we see there.

We had for supper frescon carnro (fresh mutton), issued to us as well as fresh bread. Oh! We are living high now, but don't know how long it will last.

Tuesday, July 13, 1847.—This morning our company was ordered to mount guard. My post was at the fountain in the Alameda Park, with strong instructions not to let any Mexicans fool around it.

The general conversation among our soldiers to-day is all about Mr. Trist, in regard to the negotiation of peace. That our government must be getting tired of the war. Others have it that this is only a get off to prolong the war, and that if our government was so anxious to push for peace, why did