Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/388

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went in swimming in the River of the Plains to cool off, the sun being excessively hot all day. After this performance was over, we all laid ourselves down to sleep. Everything is quiet, no life except in the little oasis occupied by our camp. There is no noise or voice of animals, no hum of insects to disturb our quarters as is the general case at most all the other places of encampment on our travels.

To-night no sign yet of Col. Wynkoop with his provisions he promised to bring us.

Friday, November 5, 1847.—This morning we were determined to march on to the National bridge to get something to eat, so about eight o'clock, when we were about to start, some of Col. Jack Hays' men came in camp saying that Gen. Patterson was coming with a large train and thirty-five hundred troops; so most of our men stationed themselves along the road to give the old Cerro Gordo veteran a reception.

The General soon arrived, when our men gave him three hearty cheers, the General uncovered and said: " My brave and gallant soldiers, I am extremely happy and glad to see what is left of you, and feel happy that we are once more together; and I hope we may not be parted again until the termination of this war." Cheers.

Next came Col. Jack Hays with five companies of mounted Texan rangers, and we gave him three good cheers; they are a fine body of men and well mounted, with six-shooting rifles.

About 5 o'clock this evening, we left camp to make room for Gen. Patterson's division and train; we marched on until 11 o'clock to-night, and went into camp at a hacienda named Corl Flasco, about three miles from Gen. Santa Anna's residence. Here was a great time, midnight, and we could not find a drop of water to make a cup of coffee, or anything else. There was much dissatisfaction among the men, plenty of rations but no water.

Saturday, November 6, 1847.—This morning, at 8 o'clock, we left camp and arrived at Encero; here we halted and Co.