Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/393

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In the evening a party of our men, with guitars, violins, and accordeons, serenaded Gen. Patterson at his headquarters. He came to the front and thanked the party most kindly for their kindness. While they were serenading Gen. Patterson, the housetops, windows and balconies were all filled with hidalgos and venustola senoritas (gentlemen and beautiful ladies).

Wednesday, November 17, 1847.—This morning the military court-martial sat. The first case that was called up was a soldier named Welsh (not our Welsh), for breaking his musket intentionally; but they could not find him guilty, and he was released at once and ordered to join his company. Several other cases were called up for disobeying orders and other trifling and petty charges, which did not amount to much, so the court adjourned for the day.

Thursday, November 18, 1847.—This morning, the courtrnartial sat at 10 o'clock, but soon afterwards adjourned on accourt of the absence of witnesses.

At noon, I took a walk around the suburban grounds of Jalapa and found it very beautiful to the eye. The orange, lemon and banana trees were heavily laden. I have never seen trees so heavily laden as those orange trees. I also noticed the so-called turkey buzzards were flying (like at Vera Cruz) very boldly through the streets and around our quarters. They have red necks and feet, and, strange to say, the only places they roost upon are the crosses upon the church towers, and the sight of three of these black coats, perched upon either arm and on top of these white emblems, forms a novel, if not cheerful spectacle. One involuntarily thinks of the crucifixion and the two thieves.

It is rumored this evening, that Col. George W. Hughes, commander of the Second Maryland and District of Columbia regiment, is appointed Governor of Jalapa City, and is to remain here as the main garrison, and that our detachment is soon to rnarch on to the city of Mexico. Good news for us.

Friday, November 19, 1847.—This morning, the court-martial sat ard tried two wagon teamsters for killing a poor, innocent