Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/480

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the quarters, and nearly all the soldiers mocked and hooted at him for stopping the stage, and putting all except the officers out.

Friday, January 28, 1848.—This morning the peace prospect is up to blood-heat. At noon a blind Mexican boy came to our quarters, and played on the harp. It was delightful music, and well played. He played all the national airs of both nations. He played Gen. Santa Anna's favorite march, which is a splendid piece of music. Amongst the many pieces was Gen. Santa Anna's retreat after the battle of Cerro Gordo, to which he sang a song. Santa Anna's famous Chico Vestido (Little Pantaloons), which is really laughable, wound up with "Yankee Doodle," for which he received many picayunes, and went away rejoicing.

Saturday, January 29, 1848.—This morning it is reported that our peace commissioners have sent an express with despatches to our Government at Washington with the olive branch, and also that we would be on our way home by the beginning of May. I really begin to think that there is something going on in Denmark; the city papers are full of peace.

Sunday, January 30, 1848.—This morning most of our soldiers were busy in fixing themselves up for the masquerade ball, which comes off to-night at the Nacional Theatre; and as there will be no privates admitted, they borrowed some clothing from the Mexicans, and got officers' suits. The stopping of privates going to these places has caused a great deal of a fuss amongst our men, all through Gen. Cushing's orders.

Monday, January 31, 1848.—This morning Gen. Gushing has stopped the stage-coach from running between San Angel and the city of Mexico. This is done to keep the soldiers from going to the city; but this will not stop them, for they can go around our line and slip the sentinel, who don't care who goes to the city. This has caused another excitement among the boys.