Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/577

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But a day of judgment and heavy sentence came upon these marauding Spaniards, who had, by false promises, brought so much ruin and desolation upon Mexico, by a revolution, Sept. 10, 1810, and by the declaration of independence, Feb. 24, 1821, when the Spanish rule in Mexico ended, with great joy to all the natives, and they were made to go back from whence they came, except that they left their religion here, which is the ruling power in this country.

Mexico is now governed by Mexican Indians and Mestizos, or mixed races of the Spanish and Indian blood. After the Mexicans had gained their independence, they formed different forms of government. At last a Republican form of government was chosen. The religion of the country was to be Roman Catholic; no other religion will be allowed in the Republic of Mexico (1848). The whole Catholic Church is to be controlled by one archbishop, twelve bishops and numbers of clergy. The-Mexican priesthood is a body of the most corrupt and immoral set of human beings in the world. Particularly in Mexico, where every city, town and village are swarmed with these apostles of Christ, with churches, monasteries, convents, etc. In speaking of the Catholic Church, its power and influence, we must all confess that the Spanish Catholicism has been an improvement on the Aztec cannibalism; and we hope that national thought and morals will soon be established, and confidence and order maintained throughout this unfortunate country. The wealth of the Catholic Churches (as already described) is truly immense; and it has caused all the monster distortion and dissimulation in the bloody and dark ages of the past revolution, anarchy and misrule ever since these holy apostles' (Spaniard thieves) rule was formed. Thousands have been slaughtered, and thousands more will be slain; and so on until the United States government takes hold of its dominion, under whose government every man, woman and child can worship God according to their own belief; then selfishness, revenge and malice towards their fellow-beings shall forever cease.