Page:Notes on Indian Affairs (Vol. II).djvu/505

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notes on indian affairs.

example of Baba Nanuk, who converted sufficient numbers to form a nation, sufficiently proves this, although one of the fundamental tenets of the Sikhs was the destruction of all caste; and when attempts to induce the natives to adopt the Christian religion are properly conducted, it may reasonably be expected, under the Divine blessing, that the result will be very different

September 5th, 1835.

No. LXI.


Two papers, Nos. X. and XL., have already been devoted to this subject; but as its importance will form a sufficient excuse, I shall make no apology for offering the following additional and concluding observations to the notice of my readers.

The great object is to bring the two classes into closer intercourse, and thereby enable them to know a little more of each other; the want of which knowledge is the cause of so much evil. Generally speaking, we know so little of the habits, feelings, and sentiments of the people, that even those who are really anxious to promote their welfare, are often quite at a loss how to make the attempt: a more familiar intercourse would, in a considerable degree, remedy all this, and it should be the more particularly urged on the young men who successively arrive in India in the service of Government; first, because they are but temporary sojourners in this country, and are often, within a short time after leaving college, placed in situations of trust and responsibility: secondly, because during the first two or three years of their residence, they will have much more leisure to devote to this object than they ever will enjoy afterwards: and, thirdly, as first impressions are so difficult to eradicate, it is important that their opinions of the people should be drawn from intercourse with the respectable classes, instead of, as is so often the case at present, being formed from observations of the conduct of the worst part of the community.