Page:Notes on Indian Affairs (Vol. II).djvu/8

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XXXV. On the Injustice of compelling the People of India to adopt a Foreign Language and Character • 1
XXXVI. On the Proceedings of the Civil Courts .... 7

XXXVII. On the Prospects of English Settlers .... 26

XXXVIII. On the Necessity for a Commercial Code ... 57 / XXXIX. On the Policy of Interference in the Internal Admi- nistration of the Native Powers . . . .71

/^ XL. On the Intercourse between the English and the Natives 106

XLL On the Character of the People, — General Observations . 121

XLIL Same subject, continued, — Falsehood, — Forgery, — Perjury 160

XLIII. Same subject, continued. — Litigiousness, — Litigation, &c. . 187 XLFV. A slight Sketch of the Administration of Lord William

Bentinck 216

XLV. Suggestions for the New Government. — Qualifications of

a Grovemor-General 228

XL VI. Suggestions for the New Government .... 245

XLVII. Present State and Future Prospects of Oude . . .260

XLVIII. On the Mode of Administering the Government of Oude,

when it shall fall into the Possession of the English . 280

XLIX. On the Usury Laws 290

^ ^L. On the Ruin to Trade caused by the existing System of

British-Indian Customs 296

U. Character of the People. — Ingratitude,— Domestic Servants 310

LII. Same subject, continued. — Honesty, — Morality . . . 324

LIII. Same subject, continued. — Miscellaneous Observations . 335 l^^-LIV. On the Landed Tenures, and Expediency of introducing

a modified Law of Primogeniture among the People . 353