Page:Notes on equitation and horse training.djvu/28

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If, during the lesson, the horse backs or moves away, the trooper returns to the animals head, leads him up a step or two with the snaffle reins, and gently begins the lesson anew.

After seating himself in the saddle, the trooper should use his right hand to assist in engaging the off stirrup. By feeling for the stirrup with the toe there is danger of frightening the horse by touching him unintentionally with the leg or stirrup.

Restless animals.—The assistants should stand squarely in front of the horses and not on the off side. Their business is to simply caress the animal's head without holding the reins.

With horses that are hard to mount, the cavesson should be used, the longe held by an experienced and skillful man.

Mounting lessons should be given on the off side as well as on the near side and should be repeated daily until the horse stands absolutely quiet. The (individual) lesson, however, should not be prolonged, for the horse will have greater tendency to become restless the more he is held in one place.