Page:Notes on equitation and horse training.djvu/38

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of never irritating the intestines. It must be given in large doses, 300 grams at least (9½ ounces).

Condition of the legs.—Overexertion of the legs manifests itself in splints, wind puffs, spavins, and in the swelling and stiffening of the fetlock joints.

In case of swelling of the fetlocks and wind puffs, avoid work on hard ground, and cut down the work; use douches and hand rubbing and apply flannel bandages.

For splints, use red ointment (mercuric ointment—a blister) as soon as the injury appears.

For bog spavins stop work in the hall and all collected work at the gallop; exercise quietly on the road and use douches.

Appetite and condition of the horse.—A young horse must be given substantial nourishment in order to readily resist the first fatigues of training and also because he is still growing at the age when his education is undertaken. More or less hay, according to the animal's condition, and always plenty of oats. From time to time, every eight or ten days, a handful of sulphate of soda can be given in the drinking water or in a mash to counteract the heating effect produced by oats.

If horses are too fat, cut down the hay and also the water. If the horses are in poor condition, give linseed mashes and put dry bran in the oats; try beans and carrots; in a word—variety. Frequently a horse refuses to eat because he has been put on full oats too suddenly; in this case, cut down the ration or even place the animal on diet for a time.

Results.—In conclusion, if outdoor work has been alternated with riding-hall work in proper ratio, the young horse, at the end of training, has lost any surplus fat; has acquired muscle; his joints and tendons have been strengthened and his wind developed. In short, after a length of time which varies with age, breeding, and disposition, the horse is in condition to undergo without injury the hardships of the service for which he is destined.