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Williams and Norgate's Catalogue of

Attwell (H.) Twenty Supplementary French Lessons, with Etymological Vocabularies. Chiefly for the use of Schools where Latin is taught. Crown 8vo, cloth.2s.

Krueger (H.) Short French Grammar. 5th Edition. 180 pp. 12mo, cloth.2s.

French Classics for English Schools. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Leon Delbos, M.A., of King's College. Crown 8vo, cloth.

No. 1. Racine's Les Plaideurs.1s. 6d.

No. 2. Corneille's Horace. 1s. 6d.

No. 3. Corneille's Cinna. 1s. 6d.

No. 4. Molière's Bourgeois Gentilhomme. 1s. 6d.

No. 5. Corneille's Le Cid. In the Press.

[To be continued.]

Lemaistre (J.) French for Beginners. Lessons Systematic, Practical and Etymological. By J. Lemaistre. Crown 8vo, cloth. 2s. 6d.

Aim's French Familiar Dialogues, and French-English Vocabulary for English Schools. 1 2mo, cloth. 2s.

Delbos (L.) French Accidence and Minor Syntax. 2nd Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. 1s. 6d.

Strouwelle (Prof. A.) Treatise on French Genders. 12mo, cloth. 1s. 6d.

Williams (T. S.) and J. Lafont. French and Commercial Correspondence. A Collection of Modern Mercantile Letters in French and English, with their translation on opposite pages. 2nd Edition. 12mo, cloth. 4s. 6d.

For a German Version of the same Letters, vide p. 4.

Fleury's Histoire de France, racontée à la Jeunesse, with Grammatical Notes, by Auguste Beljame, Bachelier-ès-lettres. 3rd Edition. 12mo, cloth boards. 3s. 6d.

Mandrou (A.) French Poetry for English Schools. Album Poétique de la Jeunesse. By A. Mandrou, M.A. de l'Académie de Paris. 2nd Edition. 12mo, cloth. 3s. 6d.