Page:Notes on the Anti-Corn Law Struggle.djvu/44

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Notes on the Anti-Corn Law Struggle.



General Thomas Perronet Thompson was born at Hull on the 15th of March, 1783. He was the eldest of three sons of Thomas Thompson, a merchant and banker of that town, and for several years M. P. for Midhurst, a borough which, before the Reform Bill of 1832, belonged to his partner Robert Smith, created Baron Carrington of Upton, Co. Notts, October 20th, 1797. In October, 1798, Thomas Perronet Thompson commenced keeping terms at Queen's College, Cambridge, and took his B.A. degree after keeping the requisite number of terms. His name appears in the Cambridge University Calendar in the list of honours for the year 1802, as Seventh Wrangler. The name of his youngest brother, Charles William Thompson, appears in the same Calendar for 1805, as Seventh Senior Optime. Notwithstanding this difference