Page:Notes on the Ornithology of Southern Texas.djvu/56

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228. Fulix marila, (Linn.)

Eather rare.— (Dresser, Ibis, 1866, 43.)

229. Fulix affinis, (Eyton.)

Decidedly more common than the last. — (Dresser, Ibis, 1866, 43. — Fuligula a., Sennett, B. Eio Grande, 63.)

230. Fulix coUaris, (Donov.)

A few specimens killed.— (Dresser, Ibis, 1866, 43.)

231. Aythya americana, (Eyt.)

Not uncommon.— {Mtliya a., Dresser, Ibis, 1866, 43.)

232. Aythya valUsneria, (Wils.)

Barer than the last species; but few specimens shot. — (2Eihyav. r Dresser, Ibis, 1866, 43.)

233. Bucephala albeola, (Linn.)

Bather plentiful.— (Dresser, Ibis, 1866, 43.)

234. Erismatura rubida, (Wils.)


235. Lophodytes cucullatus, (Linn.)

A few seen during winter. — (Dresser, Ibis, 1866, 44.)

236. Pelecanus erythrorhynchus, (Gmel.)

Bather common, and seen at all seasons. I was unable to find any breeding places of this species, but they unquestionably nest near the coast, and also at no great distance from Hidalgo. — (Dresser, Ibis,, 1866, 45.— P. trachyrhynchus, Sennett, B. Bio Grande, 63.)

237. Pelecanus fuscus, Linn.

Common resident. Found breeding abundantly on Padre and neigh- boring islands by Mr. Sennett in March, 1878.— (Dresser, Ibis, 1866* 45.— Sennett, B. Bio Grande, 64.)

238. Plotus anhinga, Linn.

Occasionally observed about Port Brown, but appears to be more abundant in the lagoons higher up the river. — (Dresser, Ibis, 1866, 45.)

239. Graculus mexicanus, (Brandt.)

Common resident. I did not find any nests, but think they are placed: in the dense growth of trees and thorny bushes that borders most of th§ lagoons about here.— (Dresser, Ibis, 1866, 45.— Sennett, B. Bio Grande, 64.)

240. Larus argentatus, Gm.

Not rare along the coast in winter. One shot near Fort Brown on the 3d of March, 1877.— (Sennett, B. Bio Grande, 64.)