Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/16

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comprehenſion of longitude, that of our latitude, taken between this and Maſon and Dixon's line, is 3°. 13′. 42. 4″. equal to 223.3 miles, ſuppoſing a degree of a great circle to be 69 m. 864 f. as computed by Caſſini. Theſe boundaries include an area ſomewhat triangular, of 121,525 ſquare miles, whereof 79,650 lie weſtward of the Alleghaney mountains, and 57,034 weſtward of the meridian of the mouth of the Great Kanhaway. This ſtate is therefore one third larger than the iſlands of Great-Britain and Ireland, which are reckoned at 88,357 ſquare miles.

Theſe limits reſult from, 1. The ancient charters from the crown of England. 2. The grant of Maryland to the lord Baltimore, and the ſubſequent determinations of the Britiſh court as to the extent of that grant. 3. The grant of Pennſylvania to William Penn, and a compact between the general aſſemblies of the commonwealths of Virginia and Pennſylvania as to the extent of that grant. 4. The grant of Carolina, and actual location of its northern boundary, by conſent of both parties. 5. The treaty of Paris of 1763. 6. The confirmation of the charters of the neighboring ſtates by the convention of Virginia at the time of conſtituting their commonwealth. 7. The ceſſion made by Virginia to Congreſs of all the lands to which they had title on the north ſide of the Ohio.