Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/251

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The keeper of the public jail 1,000 
The public printer 1,666⅔
Clerks of the inferior courts 43,333⅓
Public levy: this is chiefly for the expences of criminal juſtice  40,000 
County levy, for bridges, court-houſes, prisons, &c. 40,000 
Members of congreſs 7,000 
Quota of the federal civil liſt, ſuppoſed one-ſixth of about 78,000 dollars 13,000 
Expences of collection ſix per cent. on the above 12,310 
The clergy receive only voluntary contributions:
 ſuppose them on an average one-eighth of a dollar a tythe on 200,000 tythes 25,000 
Contingencies, to make round numbers not far from truth 7,523⅓


Dollars, or 53,571 guineas. This eſtimate is excluſive of the military expence. That varies with the force actually employed, and in time of peace will probably be little or nothing. It is excluſive alſo of the public debts, which are growing while I am writing, and cannot therefore be now fixed. So it is of the maintenance of the poor, which being merely a matter of charity, cannot be deemed expended in the adminiſtration of government. And if we ſtrike out the 25,000 dollars for the ſervices of the clergy, which neither makes part of that adminiſtration, more than what is paid to phyſicians, or lawyers, and being voluntary, is either much or nothing as every one pleaſes, it leaves 225,000 dol-