Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/264

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1631,  June  27.  7. Car. 1.  A ſpecial commiſſion to Edward Earl of Dorſett and others for the better plantation of the colony of Virginia. 19. Ry. 301.
1631, June 29.  7. Car. 1. Littere continentes promiſſionem regis ad tardenum caſtrum et habitationem de Kebec in Canada ad regem Francorum. 19. Ry. 303.
1632, Mar. 29.  8. Car. 1. Traité entre le roy Louis XIII. et Charles roi d'Angleterre pour la reſtitution de la nouvelle France, la Cadie et Canada et des navires et merchandiſes pris de part et d'autre. Fait a St. Germain. 19. Ry. 361, 2. Mem. Am. 5.
1632, June 20.  8. Car. 1. A grant of Maryland to Cæcilius Calvert, baron of Baltimore in Ireland.
1633, July  3.   9. Car. 1. A petition of the planters of Virginia againſt the grant of Lord Baltimore.
1633, July  3. Order of council upon the diſpute between the Virginia planters and lord Baltimore. Votes of repres. of Pennſylvania. V.
1633, Aug. 13.  9. Car. 1. A proclamation to prevent abuſes growing by the unordered retailing of tobacco. Mentioned 3. Ruſhw. 191.