Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/314

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qualified electors below the number authoriſed to ſend one delegate, let it be annexed to ſome adjoining county.

For the election of ſenators, let the ſeveral counties be allotted by the ſenate, from time to time, into ſuch and ſo many diſtricts as they ſhall find beſt; and let each county at the time of electing its delegates, chuſe ſenatorial electors, qualified as themſelves are, and four in number for each delegate their county is entitled to ſend, who ſhall convene, and conduct themſelves, in ſuch manner as the legiſlature ſhall direct, with the ſenatorial electors from the other counties of their diſtrict and then chuſe, by ballot, one ſenator for every ſix delegates which their diſtrict is entitled to chuſe. Let the ſenatorial diſtricts be divided into two claſſes, and let the members elected for one of them be diſſolved at the firſt enſuing general election of delegates, the other at the next, and ſo on alternately for ever.

All free male citizens, of full age, and ſane mind, who for one year before ſhall have been reſident in the county, or ſhall through the whole of that time have poſſeſſed therein real property of the value of or ſhall for the ſame time have been enrolled in the militia, and no others, ſhall have a right to vote for delegates for the ſaid county, and for ſenatorial electors for the diſtrict. They ſhall give their votes perſonally and viva voce.

The general aſſembly ſhall meet at the place to which the laſt adjournment was, on the 42d day after the day of the election of delegates, and thence forward at any other time or place on their