Page:Notes on the State of Virginia (1802).djvu/358

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Smith threatened the deponent with the tomahawk; ſo that he was obliged to be cautious, fearing an injury, as the party appeared to have loſt, in a great degree, ſentiments of humanity as well as the effects of civilization. Sworn and ſubſcribed at Waſhington, the 20th day of April, anno Domini 1798.


Before Samuel Shannon.

Waſhington county, ſc.

I, David Riddick, prothonotary of the court of common pleas, for the county of Waſhington, in the ſtate of Pennſylvania, do certify, that Samuel Shannon, Eſq. before whom the within affidavit was made, was, at the time thereof, and ſtill is, a juſtice of the peace in and for the county of Waſhington aforeſaid; and that full credit is due to all his judicial acts as ſuch as well in courts of juſtice as thereout.

In teſtimony whereof I have hereunto ſet my hand and affixed the ſeal of my office at Waſhington, the 26th day of April, Anno Dommini 1798.