Page:Notes on the folk-lore of the northern counties of England and the borders.djvu/10

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The Council of the Folk-Lore Society, in issuing this work as one of the publications for the year 1879, desire to point out to the Members that it is chiefly owing to the generous proposal of Mr. Henderson they are enabled to produce in the second year of the Society’s existence a book so much appreciated by the Folk-Lore student. The first edition, published in 1866, has long since been exhausted, and it is only very rarely that a second-hand copy is to be met with. Moreover, the Author has added some considerable and valuable notes obtained since the publication of the first edition; and these facts brought the book within the compass of the Society’s Rules.

G. L. Gomme,
Hon. Secretary to the Folk-Lore Society,
Castelnau, Barnes London, S.W.