Page:Notes upon Russia (volume 1, 1851).djvu/77

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found in the City Library of Berne, in the same manuscript containing Marco Polo.

The third, in the Cotton Collection of manuscripts, British Museum, with the press-mark, Otho D. II.

The fourth, in the Archiepiscopal Library of Mentz. An extract of the “Peregrinacion” will be found in Murray’s “Discoveries and Travels in Asia,” vol. i, p. 197, etc.

Ricold de Montecroix, voyageur et missionnaire en Asie. In Nouveaux Mélanges Asiatiques par M. Abel-Rémusat, vol. ii, p. 199-202.


Oderico di Pordenone. 1317.

Oderico Mattheussi, a Franciscan monk, born about 1285, at Pordenone, in Friuli, on which account he is generally called Oderico of Friuli, Odericus de Forto Julii, also Odericus de Portenau. He undertook in 1317 a journey through Tartary by Trebisond to India, and returned by Thibet to Europe. In 1330, he dictated, in Padua, to Guglielmo di Solagno, a monk, his travels in Italian, and then went to Udine, where he died in 1331.

Copies of the travels of Oderico exist in manuscript in the Arundel Collection, British Museum (press-mark, 13 f. 38 b.), under the title, “Itinerarium fratris Odorici de ordine Minorum de Mirabilibus Indie”; and in the Royal Collection (press-mark, 14 c. 13, fol. 216), under the title, “Itinerarium fratris Odrici Ordinis fratrum Minorum de Mirabilibus ori-