Page:Notes upon Russia (volume 1, 1851).djvu/83

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named Johan Maūdeuyll, knyght, borne in Englonde, in the towne of Saynt Albone, and speketh of the wayes of the holy londe towarde Jherusalem and of marueyles of ynde and of other dyuerse coūtrees. Emprynted at Westmynster by Wynken de Worde, anno dn̄i, MCCCC.LXXXXIX; 8vo.

This edition contains one hundred and nine chapters, exclusive of the introduction, and has several wood-cuts.

In the Grenville Library is an undated edition, “emprented by Rychard Pynson”, entitled—

The boke of John Maunduyle, knyght, of wayes to Jerusalem, and of marueyls of ynde and of other countrees; 4to.

Mr. Grenville, in his manuscript note, says:—“Dibdin seems to agree with Sir F. Freeling, in considering this book as of the fifteenth century, and therefore prior to that of W. de Worde of 1499, which was esteemed the first edition. No other copy being as yet ascertained, I readily purchased it, though it wants four leaves. The text varies very much from Este’s edition; but I have never found that of W. de Worde, to collate it with that edition.”

Other English editions are—

1503, 8vo; 1568, 4to; 1670, 4to; 1696, 4to; 1722, 4to; and lastly, the most perfect edition, under the title: The voiage and travaile of J. de Mandeville, which treateth of the way of Hierusalem, and of marvayles of Inde, with other islands and countryes. London, 1725, 8vo.

This last edition was reprinted “with an introduction, notes, and glossary, by J. O. Halliwell, Esq.” 8vo.; London, 1839.