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A. Winchell on the Remains of a Mastodon in Michigan.
Art. XXIII.Notice of the Remains of a Mastodon recently discovered in Michigan; by Professor Alexander Winchell.

Some remains of a Mastodon have recently been exhumed in Michigan, which possess sufficient interest to deserve a scientific notice. They were found on Sec. 7, in the township of Adrian, Lenawee county, about seven miles northwest of the city of Adrian. The bones thus far discovered consist of the cranium, with the exception of the nasal bones; five molars, four of which lack their roots; the terminal portions of the two tusks, each about 18 inches long, and another fragment of a tusk a foot in length; two caudal vertebræ; two scapulæ; two femora; two tibiæ; one fibula; two calcanea; two humeri; one radius; sundry carpal, tarsal, metacarpal and metatarsal bones; three or four digital bones; three perfect ribs, and numerous fragments. The whole series of vertebræ (except two caudal) has disappeared, as well as the pelvis, the lower jaw, the nasal bones, about half of the bulk of the anterior extremities, and many of the ribs. The epiphyses of the long bones are nearly all detached, but most of them have been recovered. The state of ossification indicated by the separation of the epiphyses, the unworn teeth, and the inferior size of the bones, all tend to demonstrate that we have here the remains of a Mastodon not more than two-thirds grown.

These relics were found buried about two feet only beneath the surface of a small peat bog which was being ditched. Beneath the peat, which is not more than two and a half feet thick, we have marly clay, passing, at the depth of four feet, into loose sand. The skeleton was lying on the side. One fore-leg was extended; the other bent under the body. The hinder parts were a little the deepest in the mire. It is stated that many years ago this spot was known as a "deer lick."