Page:Nullification Controversy in South Carolina.djvu/408

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Charleston city, in 1834, 351. See also Anti-Conventionists; Conventionists; State Rights party: Union party.

England, 121 n., 188; supposed to favor Nullifiers, 280.

English, Thomas, convention, favored by, 104. n.

Enquirer, The Richmond: Colleton asked to go slower by, 20; and nullification, 225.

"Exposé" by Calhoun, July, 1831, 138. See also Calhoun.

Exposition, the South Carolina, of 1828, by Calhoun, 5, 53, 71; answered, 42, 140; printed by legislature in 1828, 36; restated by Calhoun in 1831, 122.

Federal government: prospect of clash with, 2, 6, 9, 18, 96, 122, 166, 173, 324; Union view of, 68-80; State Rights view of, 104-6; a consolidated government, 69, 238, 267, 304, 346-48; military preparations for coercion by, 215, 217, 223, 226, 229, 233, 234, 237, 241, 259, 270, 271. See also Constitution.

Federal party, 149; principles of, 305.

Felder, J. M., Congressman, 170 n., 171.

Florida, Jackson in, 152.

Floyd, of Virginia, supported for President, 229.

Force bill: Wilkins' bill, introduced, 276; opposed in South Carolina, 277, 287, 288, 304; nullified, 289, 292; wisdom of, doubted, 306; defended, 312.

Franklin, Benjamin, 128.

Free Press and Hive, The Columbia, nullification opposed by, 131; Calhoun answered by, 138.

Free Trade and State Rights associations. See State Rights party.

Gazette, The Charleston City: disunion opposed by, in 1828, 15, 16, 26, 81; Mercury, accused by, 24; Adams, supported by, 31; nullification, opposed by, 83, 129, 146; on the tariff, 167, 171.

Georgetown, South Carolina, collector of, warned, 231.

Georgia: and nullification, 120, 130, 176 n., 227, 262, 202, 203 n.; tariff, position of congressmen of, on, 166, 286.

Germans, on nullification, 120 n.

Giles, William B., anti-nationalist, 1.

Governor, the, of South Carolina: asked to call legislature or convention in 1828, 19; asked to agree with congressmen on plan of action, 45; message of, of 1831, 159; of 1832, 218, 219. See also Hamilton, James, Jr.; Hayne, Robert Y.

Greenville, district and city: anti-tariff meeting in, in 1828, 11 n.; withdrawal of convention advocates in, 89; test oath, opposition of, to, 326-31, 333, 363, 364; a strong Union center, 282 n.

Griffin, J. K., Congressman, 170 n.

"Hamilton," The Crisis, answered by, 14.

Hamilton, James, Jr., Governor, 179; nullification proposed by,