Page:Nurse and spy in the Union Army.djvu/64

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who were now cold in death. The answers to many of those letters lie before me while I write, and are full of gratitude and kind wishes. One in particular I cannot read without weeping. It is from Willie's Mother. The following are a few extracts: "Oh, can it be that my Willie will re- turn to me no more? Shall I never see my darling boy again, until I see him clothed in the righteousness of Christ—thank God I shall see him then— I shall see him then."

Now with all the mother's heart
Torn and quivering with the smart,
I yield him, 'neath the chastening rod,
To my country and my God.

"Oh, how I want to kiss those hands that closed my darling's eyes, and those lips which spoke words of comfort to him in a dying hour. The love and prayers of a bereaved mother will follow you all through the journey of life." Yes, he is gone to return to her no more on earth, but her loss is his eternal gain.

Servant of God well done I
Rest from thy loved employ;
The battle fought, the victory won,
Enter thy Master's joy.

He at least had won a victory—notwithstanding the defeat of the federal army. Yes, a glorious Victory.