Page:O'Higgins--The Adventures of Detective Barney.djvu/102

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thousand of the old man’s money. Yes. Yes.” He tittered. He shook over the ’phone silently. “Ye-e-s. I ’ll ha-ave them.” And he dropped the receiver into its hook and lay back in his chair in a grimacing sputter of fat laughter. “He ’s bringing him hee-here. He ’s pretending he thinks you-you ’ve been ki-ki-kidnapped. Hee-hee-hee!” He wiped his wet eyes helplessly. “Palmer won’t let him go to the police station. They ’re co-coming here to get us out to find you.” He jumped up, suddenly, and slapped himself on top of the head with a comical gesture. “I ’ve got to get papers for him. Put Archibald wise to what ’s coming.” He darted out the door with unexpected agility, and Barney hastened to find Archibald.

Either Archibald had no sense of humor or it was inhibited by a stronger sense of dignity. Barney’s story provoked no smile from him. “Wait in the operatives’ room,” he said drily. “If we need you, we ’ll call you. Leave the bag here.”