Page:O'Higgins--The Adventures of Detective Barney.djvu/113

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she ’ll have difficulty persuading him to start. Understand?”

“Yes, sir,” Barney answered.

“Well, that ’s our opportunity.” He said it as coolly as if he were a bird hunter watching a nest of young to which he knew the frightened mother would return—to be shot.

“The boys up at Careyville report that they can’t get near the Langton bungalow without rousing suspicion. We have to be careful. We can’t cover the woods. Whately could travel for days in any one of a half-dozen different directions without showing himself. And he knows how to do it. He has hunted all through these hills. If we ’re to catch him, we ’ll have to do it before either he or the girl suspects that we ’re even looking for him up here.

“That ’s where you come in. You ’ve got to get into the Langton bungalow and watch her. He ’s probably hiding somewhere near. The boys at Careyville can see the house with field glasses, and they report that no man has