Page:O'Higgins--The Adventures of Detective Barney.djvu/220

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for athletics, and distinguished himself. Probably became a football hero. And attracted Van Amberg, who was evidently æsthetic. Van Amberg’s friendship flattered him. And he saw its possibilities. They became chummy. Van Amberg talked about him at home. And invited him there. The girl had heard her brother speak of him. She was predisposed. Harper saw his chance and took it. But he would conceal from Van Amberg the fact that he was making love to the sister. And having made sure of the girl, he would be less considerate of the brother. That ’s where the quarrel would come from. Then when the father’s death left the girl her money, they married. And Harper gave up medicine. He wanted power. It ’s in his face. Her money meant power. It meant a career.

“Having got the girl, he shows the other side of him. The marriage is n’t happy. The brother has authority enough to keep an eye on Harper’s handling of his wife’s estate.