Page:O'Higgins--The Adventures of Detective Barney.djvu/59

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in the same words to grab Pirie. He ’s Number Three. And have Billy ’phone the office to get papers and an officer up here, at once, for our friend next door. I ’ll hold him till they come. Go ahead. I ’ll finish this.”

He settled down to his task studiously, copying out cipher telegrams, and writing between the lines the translated words as he found them in the dictionary. And in a room that was quiet and sunny, working with a little complacent pucker of the lips occasionally, or raising his eyebrows and adjusting his spectacles in a pause of doubt, he looked anything but sinister, anything but the traditional “bloodhound” on the trail in a man-hunt. There was something Pickwickian in his small rotundity. The nattiness of his business suit gave him an air of conventional unimportance.

Barney watched him fascinatedly. His plump little hands—his rather flat profile with its small beaked nose and the owlish spectacles—his dimpled chin—all reminded the boy of some one incongruous whom he could not