Page:O'Higgins--The Adventures of Detective Barney.djvu/75

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He began to walk up and down the room in an idle interval. “He ’s probably in town here, now.”

“What makes you think so, Chief?”

“Why did n’t you wire us? That three-o’clock train is one of the slowest on the line. It does n’t get here till eight-thirty next night.”

“We did n’t have the case till late yesterday morning. And there was nothing to show he came this way.”

“He ’d arrive last night. Did you get a good description of him?”

“Yes, but he was wearing a beard and mustache.”

“How old?”

“They say about thirty-five, and heavy—a hundred and seventy or may be more. Five foot eight or nine. Dressed to look like a prosperous hotel man. Light eyes, bluish gray. Nothing peculiar about him.”

Babbing was standing at the window looking out over the lower roofs of wholesale