Page:O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories for 1919.pdf/21

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30). W. Adolphe Roberts submitted a number of stories from Ainslee’s: “Young Love,” by Nancy Boyd; “The Token from the Arena,” by June Willard; “The Light,” by Katherine Wilson. He also drew attention to “Phantom,” by Mildred Cram (Green Book, March). That the Committee of Award, after a careful study of these and other recommendations, failed to confirm individual high estimates is but another illustration of the disagreement of doctors. To all those of the Honorary Committee who gave encouragement and aid the Committee of Award is most grateful.

There remains the pleasure of thanking, also, the authors and publishers who have kindly granted permission for the reprinting of the stories included in this volume. The Committee of Award would like them to know that renewal of the O. Henry prize depends upon their generous cooperation.

Blanche Colton Williams.

New York City,
February 29, 1920.