Page:O Douglas - Olivia in India.djvu/79

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I believed every word, but when I came home and related the amazing tales to Boggley he received them with derisive shouts of laughter, and said they had been spinning us sailors' yarns.

The mail was waiting here when I came back yesterday. Thanks so much for your letter. I am immensely interested in all your news, but I have left myself no time to answer you properly, as this must be posted to-day.

N.B.—The two queerest things I have noticed in Calcutta up to now are:

(a) That when a man goes out to tennis and stays to dinner his bearer carries his dress-clothes wrapped in a towel.

(b) Kippered herrings come to the table rolled up in paper.

Calcutta, Dec. 2.

I don't think I like this casting of bread upon the water; I never know which loaf it is I am receiving again. You reply to things I had forgotten I had written, and it is rather bewildering.

When you get this you will be settled down in