Page:O Genteel Lady! (1926).pdf/46

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pictures with the right. Amherst has some things, Miss, as soon as Boston!'

The Arno shooting through its five great bridges. Which was the one where the jewellers worked? Which sweet hill Fiesole? Saint Peter's, and the stone arms stretched out to enfold a world. The Tiber. The Campagna, stone pines and marching ruins of aqueducts. Augustus turned mechanically. He could not see the pictures himself but his voice wove mesmerizing passes about her. Out of oblivion Lanice occasionally recognized the word 'Amherst.'

'The advantages of such a town for a home...I am afraid that for some years a humble home...'

Pompeii and Capri and the Blue Grotto which was painted an intense blue and yawned at one like a dragon's gullet.

'The new board walks do much for our comfort in Amherst. They have been extended as far as the Dickinson house. On Pleasant Street...'

Out of the dark of the box flashed the gleaming body of a girl. The headless, almost armless, fragment twisted in a dance. Lanice's heart gathered itself together and stopped. For the first time in her life she was touched by the beauty of nudity. With unabashed interest she followed the flowing curves of the nymph's body, and regretted that she, herself, was so thin. Apollo Belvedere next, his vapid face turned away, his hair coquettishly knotted. She admired the lines of chest and abdomen, and the sleekness of his limbs. Next, out of the darkness to meet