Page:O bonny lassie.pdf/2

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O bonny lassie, blink o'er the burn,
An' gin your sheep wander, I'll gie them a turn,
As' we'll be sae happy in yonder green shade,
Gin ye would come, dawtie, and sit in my plaid,
An' we'll be sae happy in yonder green shade,
Gin ye would come, dawtie, and sit in my plaid.

I has a doggie that rins at my heel,
An' that little doggie I loe unco weel,
I'd gi'e to my dearie, an mair gin I had,
Gin ye would come, dawtie, and sit in my plaid.
I'd gie to my dearie, &c.

Twa ewes an a lammie are a' my wee flock,
Yet I'll sell the lammie cut o' my sma' stock,
To buy thee a head-lace sae bonny and braid,
Gin ye would come, dawtie, and sit in my plaid.
To buy thee a head-lace &c.

I’ll big thee a beuthie the cauld out to keep,
Ye'll sit in't sae snugly while I herd the sheep;
Wi' rowth o'green rashes the floor shall be spread,
Gin ye wou'd come dawtie and sit in my plaid.
Wi' routh o' green rashes, &c.