Page:Observations on the present financial embarassments.djvu/22

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In the army and navy no reductions can, with reason, be required. At a moment like this, when all Europe is in arms; when, from the farthest borders of Poland, to the extremities of the Spanish Peninsula, the war-shout has gone forth; when not merely monarchs are at enmity, but nations are in arms! is that a moment to talk of reducing our forces? When we reflect, to use the emphatic language of Mr. Canning, how many evils are contained in that little word "war"— when we consider the evils that have resulted to Europe from unjust wars—it must be allowed that war should always be the last resource of a nation. But I would tell these sticklers for reductions, that the surest way to preserve peace is, by showing that we are ready for war!

With the great and good Lord Falkland, I would say: "Peace! Peace! Peace!" The life-blood and treasure of Britain must not be squandered in idle, silly, continental disputes. But let a just cause arise—let the honour of the country be insulted— let the security of her shores be menaced—let, by direct or indirect means, Belgium be made subservient to the ambitious views of any power, and the nation will, as one man, support whatever measures Ministers propose.

But every useless public office ought to be abolished with unsparing hand; and though it might not be equitable to take the pensions away