Page:Occult Japan - Lovell.djvu/244

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they direct all the important affairs of their lives by such revelation. Once a month they hold communion of the sort, and every midsummer as many of them as may travel to Ontaké for a yet higher spiritual flight. The thin, pure air of the peaks is conducive to ethereality, and Ontaké is furthermore invested with faith's most potent spell. If to have faith as a grain of mustard seed can remove mountains, it is not easy to set bounds to what a mountain of it might not be able to do.

Each club is a divine dramatic company in itself, containing all the performers necessary to a possession. Only in very small clubs is such organization lacking. But as in this case their president is often president of some larger club, the loan of a nakaza is easily managed. For the president borrows of himself in the one capacity what he needs in the other.

Very large clubs contain several such companies. There may be as many as fifteen nakaza in a club, and twice that number of maeza. There is no rule in the matter. But except for exceptional cases of esprit de corps, many maeza or nakaza, in one club do not