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pause. "After listening a while, he began to con- jecture who it was, and venturing a little nearer he exclaims, - Preserve us, what are you doing here? What am I doing here!' says Saunders, 'I've been fechtin' this twa hours wi' that stupid mare o mine, and deil ae fit she'll lift yet.'

MY SHIRT. As Bayes, whose cup with poverty was dash'd, Lay snug in bed, while his one shirt was wash'd; The dame appeared, and holding it to view, Said, 'If 'tis washed again, 'twill wash in two.' 'Indeed, cried Bayes; then wash it, pray, good cousin, And, wash it, if you can, into a dozen!'

A farmer who regularly attends Devizes market, some short time since, (finding the article unsale- able) gave another farmer 100 bushels of potatoes, which he was to send for, and on meeting there, the following dialogue took place :- How did the 'taties turn out ?' Oh, main, good; I never eated better uns for the time o' year, and they are pretty nigh gone. Well, thee may ha' some more on um if thee likest.' Why if I do, thee and me must ha' a fresh agreement.' 'Fresh agreement! why dint I gie thee the 'taties?! Ah, but I can't afford to ha' ony more if thee don't pay one of the pikes!' The waggon had to pass two turnpike gates, the toll at one was 4d. and the other 4 d.

The BANE AND ANTIDOTC.- The town bellman of Kirriemuir having received a written advertise- ment to that effect, proclaimed in the midst of the assembled multitude, on a fair day, in that ancient burgh of 'regality or barony, as follows:- 'Notish All persons driving their cattle through the lands of Logie, to or from the market, will be prosecuted