Page:Ode on the Departing Year - Coleridge (1796).djvu/11

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(Her eye-balls flashing a pernicious glare)
Sick Nature struggles! Hark—her pangs increase!
Her groans are horrible! But ô! most fair
The promis'd Twins, she bears—Equality and Peace!


I mark'd Ambition in his war-array:

I heard the mailed Monarch's troublous cry—
"Ah! whither does the Northern Conqueress[1] stay?

  1. Northern Conqueress.——A Subsidiary Treaty had been just concluded; and Russia was to have furnished more effectual aid, than that of pious manifestoes, to the powers combined against France. I rejoice—not over the deceased Woman—(I never dared figure the Russian Sovereign to my imagination under the dear and venerable character of Woman——Woman, that complex term for Mother, Sister, Wife!) I rejoice, as at the disenshrining of a Dæmon! I rejoice, as at the extinction of the evil Principle impersonated! This very day, six years ago, the massacre of Ismail was perpetrated. Thirty thousand human beings. Men, Women & Children, murdered in cold blood, for no other crime, than that their Garrison had defended the place with perseverance and bravery! Why should I recall the poisoning of her husband, her iniquities in Poland, or her late unmotived attack on Persia; the desolating ambition of her public Life, or the libidinous excesses of her private Hours! I have no wish to qualify myself for the office of Historiographer to the King of Hell————! December 23, 1796.