Page:Oedipus, King of Thebes (Murray 1911).djvu/68

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vv. 917–933

Which he doth never, but gives eye and ear
To all who speak, will they but speak of fear.
And seeing no word of mine hath power to heal
His torment, therefore forth to thee I steal,
O Slayer of the Wolf, O Lord of Light,
Apollo: thou art near us, and of right
Dost hold us thine: to thee in prayer I fall.
[She kneels at the altar of Apollo Lukeios.
Oh, show us still some path that is not all
Unclean; for now our captain’s eyes are dim
With dread, and the whole ship must follow him.

[While she prays a Stranger has entered and begins to accost the Chorus.


Good masters, is there one of you could bring
My steps to the house of Oedipus, your King?
Or, better, to himself if that may be?


This is the house and he within; and she
Thou seest, the mother of his royal seed.

[Jocasta rises, anxious, from her prayer.


Being wife to such a man, happy indeed
And ringed with happy faces may she live!


To one so fair of speech may the Gods give
Like blessing, courteous stranger; ’tis thy due.
But say what leads thee hither. Can we do
Thy wish in aught, or hast thou news to bring?