Page:Oedipus, King of Thebes (Murray 1911).djvu/92

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vv. 1287–1308


He shouts for one to open wide the gate
And lead him forth, and to all Thebes display
His father’s murderer, his mother’s. . . . Nay,
Such words I will not speak. And his intent
Is set, to cast himself in banishment
Out to the wild, not walk ’mid human breed
Bearing the curse he bears. Yet sore his need
Of strength and of some guiding hand. For sure
He hath more burden now than man may endure.
But see, the gates fall back, and that appears
Which he who loathes shall pity—yea, with tears.

[Oedipus is led in, blinded and bleeding. The Old Men bow down and hide their faces; some of them weep.


Oh, terrible! Oh, sight of all
This life hath crossed, most terrible!
Thou man more wronged than tongue can tell,
What madness took thee? Do there crawl
Live Things of Evil from the deep
To leap on man? Oh, what a leap
Was His that flung thee to thy fall!


O fallen, fallen in ghastly case,
I dare not raise mine eyes to thee;
Fain would I look and ask and see,
But shudder sickened from thy face.


Oh, pain; pain and woe!
Whither? Whither?