Page:Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies - Series 2 - Volume 3.djvu/35

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Proclamations, appointments, etc., of President Davis, February 12, 1861, to January 28, 1865—Continued.

Name. Date. Subject. Page.
President Davis, proclamation. Apr. 17 Proclamation announcing declaration of United States to invade Confederate States, and calling upon citizens of Confederate States to aid in maintaining and defending these Confederate States; instructions to all persons applying for letters of marque to make certain statements concerning vessels, crews, etc. 96
President Davis to all concerned. Apr. 19 Announces appointment of Alexander H. Stephens as special commissioner to Commonwealth of Virginia. 98
Confederate States Congress. May 4 Resolution of thanks to Brigadier-General P. G. T. Beauregard and officers under his command. 98
President Davis, proclamation. May 8 Announces conclusion and signing of treaty or convention of alliance between Confederate States of America and the Commonwealth of Virginia, at Richmond, Apr. 24, 1861. 98
President Davis to President of Mexico. May 17 Announces appointment of John T. Pickett as agent of Confederate States near Government of Moxico. 99
Secretary of State to all concerned. do. Issues passport to John T. Pickett, special agent of Confederate States to Mexico. 99
President Davis to all concerned. May 18 Schooner Savannah, T. Harrison Baker, commander, commissioned to act as private armed vessel in service of Confederate States. 100
Confederate States Congress. May 21 Act amending tenth section of act approved May 6, 1861, and providing additional bounty to be paid for sinking or destroying enemy vessels, also granting rights and privileges to inventors of any new kind of armed vessel, etc. 100
Secretary of State to General Vidaurri, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Mexican Province of New Leon, etc. May 22 Appointment of J. A. Quintero as special messenger to ask that maintenance of peace on the borders of Mexico and Confederate States be enforced. 101
President Davis to people of Confederate States. May 28 Recommends that June 13, 1861, be observed as a day of fasting and prayer. 102
President Davis to all concerned. July 2 Proclamation: Admission of State of Tennessee to Confederate States of America announced. 103
President Davis to President Lincoln. July 6 Renews proposition made to commander of blockading squadron to exchange for prisoners taken on C. S. S. Savannah. 103
President Davis to all concerned. July 22 Announces appointment of Chas. J. Helm as special agent of Confederate States or America to visit Spanish, British, and Danish possessions in West Indies, for purpose of establishing friendly relations with them. 104
Secretary of State to all concerned. do. Passport issued to Chas. J. Helm, as special agent to Havana. 105
Congress of Confederate States. Aug. 6 Resolutions of thanks to General Jos. E. Johnston and General Gustavo T. Beauregard and officers and troops under their command in battle at Manassas, July 21, 1861. 107
President Davis to all concerned. Aug. 14 Proclamation warning citizens of United States to depart from Confederate States within 40 days from date. 105
Regulations respecting alien enemies 106
Congress of Confederate States. Aug. 22 Resolutions of thanks of Congress to Brigadier-General Ben McCulloch, his officers and soldiers. 107
President Davis to Pierre A. Host. Aug. 24 Appoints Pierre A. Rost to be envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Confederate States of America to Kingdom of Spain. 107
President Davis to all concerned. do. Announces appointment of Hon. Jas M. Mason as special commissioner of Confederate States to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 110
Department of State to Great Britain's minister of foreign affairs. do. Introducing James M. Mason, special commissioner of Confederate States to Great Britain, to Her Britannic Majesty's minister of foreign affairs. 110
President Davis to all concerned. do. Announces appointment of Hon. Jas. M. Mason as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Confederate States to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 111
President Davis to Queen Victoria. do. Notifies Queen Victoria of selection of Hon. James M. . Mason as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Confederate States, to reside near court of Her Majesty. 111
State Department to all concerned. do. Passport issued to James M. Mason, special commissioner of Confederate Government. 112