Page:Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies - Series 2 - Volume 3.djvu/940

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"E." These arms constitute the entire cargo of the vessel with the exception of a case containing buttons for the use of the Confederate Army.

With these facts presented to the consideration of your Excellency, and the evidence accompanying them, I can not doubt that the Government of his Imperial Majesty, after examination of their merits, will do full justice to the claim of Mr. Nelson Clements and give the necessary orders for the restoration at Matamoras of the Caroline Goodyear and cargo, or grant him an indemnity for the losses sustained.

I may be permitted to remark that, whilst the one alternative (pecuniary indemnity) may amply cover the losses to contractors and others, nothing short of a restoration of the vessel and cargo at Matamoras can repair the injury done to the interests of the Confederate States.

I have the honor to be, with the most distinguished consideration, your most obedient servant,

George Eustis.

His Excellency Monsieur Drouyn de Lhuys,
Minister of Foreign Affairs.

P.S.—I beg leave to call your Excellency's attention to the letter of Mr. Nelson Clements addressed to Mr. Slidell and marked "F."

No. 9.]

Department of State,
Richmond, September 23, 1863.

Sir: The President having read the published letter of his Holiness Pope Pius the Ninth, inviting the Catholic clergy of New Orleans and New York to use all their efforts for the restoration of peace in our country, has deemed proper to convey to his Holiness by letter his own thanks and those of our people for the Christian charity and sympathy displayed in the letter of his Holiness as published, and of which you will find a copy annexed.

The President therefore directs that you proceed in person to Rome and there deliver to his Holiness the President's letter herein enclosed, and of which a copy is also enclosed for your own information, and you will receive herewith a special commission appointing you as envoy for the purpose above expressed.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. P. Benjamin,
Secretary of State.

Hon. A. Dudley Mann, etc., Brussels.


Executive Office,
Richmond, September 23, 1863.

Most Venerable Chief of the Holy See and Sovereign Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.

The letters which your Holiness addressed to the venerable chiefs of the Catholic clergy in New Orleans and New York have been