Page:Ohio State Exhibit - A Century of Progress International Exposition brochure.djvu/15

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In the forefront of this painting are the rough dirt roads, the stage coach and the people of early days.

In the upper part of the mural is indicated the vast mileage of paved roads on which thousands of automobiles, buses and trucks now travel each day.

The old tavern shown is taken from an actual Ohio Inn built in 1803 and still welcoming the traveler.


One of Ohio's very earliest industries ante-dating the white man by many centuries is here shown with the Indians making their primitive pipes, jugs and bowls.

In the vignette above is portrayed the vast present day potteries in which Ohio leads the nation.


This mural illustrates the long and patient pioneering of the Wright brothers, showing an exact representation of Wilbur Wright's first airplane propelled by motor. Above is the realization of these dreams, pictured in the mighty army planes flying in formation. Included also is the "Macon" built by Ohio industry which has developed so much for aeronautical science.


While no attempt at a product or process display could be made in the space available, Ohio products are used in the exhibit so far as practical.

Art potteries from Ohio's great ceramic plants are used for decorative purposes.

Busts of the seven Ohio born Presidents of the United States and the first and present Governors of the State, mostly modeled by Ohio sculptors, are also used.

The vast industrial importance of the state is further emphasized by moving pictures of many of its leading industries. These film showings provide opportunity for visitors to rest and at the same time learn much of interest about the third industrial State in the Union.