Page:Ohio State Exhibit - A Century of Progress International Exposition brochure.djvu/7

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Again we have the pioneer who has started his clearing. He is dreaming and visioning what the future will hold—the ripened fields, the comfortable farmhouse and modern equipment. Depicting development from almost nothing at that time, the vignetted background shows the vast farming industry of the State of Ohio at the present day.


In this painting the pioneer husbandman has paused for refreshment brought to the field by his young wife and as they rest he points to the future when new methods will do away with the drudgery of the hand plow. Their crude efforts mark them as empire builders, beginners of a "Century of Progress."


Here is depicted a young pioneer couple with their child and their small herd of cattle driving to their new home in the wilderness. The husband is trying to visualize to his wife the future for them, their children and succeeding generations. Progress from this humble beginning to the vast cattle range, large herds, the modern home, stock raising and dairy establishment spreads before the eye in the background.


Here is shown the development in the machine industry of which Ohio is justly proud. From the early blacksmith who formed the implements of pioneer life over his anvil our Pioneer's Dream carries us to the modern factory, with enormous specialized machines which move at the magic touch of trained mechanics and defy the abilities of thousands of King Pharoah's slaves.


This mural is devoted to coal and its part in Ohio industry, showing the Indian process of fire making by the friction of his bow string and stick and its progress up to the present day miner, with modern mining tools.

The vitality of coal to modern industrial life is suggested in the background.