Page:Old-Time Recipes for Home Made Wines Cordials and Liqueurs.djvu/151

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Raisin Wine, No. 2 91
Raisin Wine, No. 3 91
Raisin Wine with Sugar 92
Raisin Wine in Imitation of Frontignac 92
Raspberry Wine 93
Raspberry Wine, No. 2 93
Raspberry Wine, No. 3 94
Raspberry Wine, No. 4 94
Raspberry Vinegar 95
Rhubarb Wine 96
Rhubarb Wine, No. 2 96
Root Beer 96
Rose Wine 97
Rum Shrub 98
Sage Wine, To Make 98
Sage Wine Another Way 98
Saratoga Wine or English Sack, To Make 99
Sarsaparilla Mead 99
Schiedam Schnapps, To Imitate 100
Scurvy-grass Wine, To Make 100
Sherbet 101
Sherry Wine 102
London Sherry Wine 102
Shrub, To Make 102
Spruce Beer 103
Strawberry Wine, No. 1 103
Strawberry Wine, No. 2 103
Royal Strawberry Acid 104
Sugar Wine, To Make 104
Tears of the Widow of Malabar 105
Tomato Wine 105
Tomato Beer 106
Turnip Wine, To Make 106
Walnut Mead Wine 107
Whortleberry or Bilberry Wine 107