Page:Old Scots song.pdf/2

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GILL Morice was an Earl's Son,
His name it waxed wide,
It was nae for his great riches,
nor yet his meikle pride.

His face was fair, lang was his hair,
in the wild wood he ſtaid;
But his fame was by a fair Lady,
that liv’d on Carron-ſide

Where will I get a bonny boy,
that will win hoſe and ſhoon
That will gae to Lord Barnard’s ha’,
and bid his Lady come?

Ye maun rin this errand Willie,
and ye may rin wi’ pride
When other boys gae on their feet,
on horſe-back ye ſhall ride.

O no! O no! my Maſter dear:
I darna for my life:
I’ll no gae to the bold Barons,
for to tryſt forth his Wife.

My bird Willie, my boy Willie,
my dear Willie, he ſaid.
How can you ſtrive againſt the ſtream,
for I ſhall be obey’d.