Page:Old Scots song.pdf/5

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It's ſurely to my bow'r’ woman,
it ne'er cou’d be to me
I brought it to Lord Barnard's Lady,
I true that ye be ſhe.

Then up and ſpoke the wylie Nurſe,
(the Bairn upon her knee)
I£ it be come from Gill Morice,
’tis dear welcome to me.

Ye lied, ye lied, ye filthy nurſe,
ſae loud’s I hear you lie:
I brought it to Lord Barnard’s Lady,
I trow ye be nae ſhe.

Then up and ſpake the bauld Baron,
an angry man was he:
He’s ta’en the table wi’ his toot,
in flinders gart a’ flee.

Gae bring a robe of yon clieding,
that hangs upon the pin,
And I’ll gae to the good green wood,
and ſpeak with your leman.

O bide at hame, now Lord Barnard,
’I warn you bide at bame,
Ne’er wyte a man for violence,
that ne’er wyte ye wi' name.

Gill Morice fits in good green wood,
he whiftl’d and lie ſang;
O what means a yon folk coming?
my Mother ſhe tarries lang.